More than 80% of our body is water, Drinking a lot of pure and fresh water everyday helps in maintaining good health.

  • It is preferrable to produce pure water at home / offices rather than buying unreliable bottled water.
  • Hydrochem domestic water purifiers use the most advanced water purification technologies like reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration.
  • Hydrochem water purifier based on ultrafiltration technology is useful for treating municipal supply water, where removal of dissolved salts is not desired.
  • Hydrochem water purifier based on RO technology is useful for treating bore-well and brackish waters. Benifits of using Hydrochern water purifiers
  • Benifits of using Hydrochern water purifiers

  • Tasty and Healthy water from your tap.
  • Cost effective Costs a fraction of the cost of bottled water.
  • Low operating & maintenance cost.
  • Easy installation & maintenance.
  • Details of Multistage process

  • (Stage1) - 5 micron sediment filter. Removes dirt, rust and sand Particles.
  • (Stage2) - Granular Activated Carbon Filter. Removes chlorine and organic chemicals. Improves colour, odour and taste.
  • (Stage3) - 1 micron filter. Protects the membrane filter against fouling.
  • (Stage4) - Reverse osmosis membrane. Removes harmful salts like hardness, heavy metals, chemicals, bacteria & viruses.

Reverse Osmosis Contarninant Rernoval Data

The data given below is for reference only, The exact removal rate depends on various factors like feed water quality. pressure, temper-ature etc.

Dissolved solids % Removal Dissolved solids % Removal
Aluminium 96 - 98 Lead 95 - 98
Ammonia 96 - 98 Lead 95 - 98
Aluminium 96 - 98 Magnesium 93 - 98
Arsenic 93 - 97 Manganese 96 - 98
Bacteria 99+ Mercury 94 - 97
Bromide 90 - 95 Nickel 96 - 98
Cadmium 93 - 97 Nitrate 90 - 95
Calcium 93 - 98 Phospate 95 - 98
Chloride 92 - 95 Potassium 92 - 96
Chromate 85 - 95 silicate 92 - 95
Copper 96 - 98 Silver 93 - 96
Cyanide 85 - 95 Sodium 92 - 98
Fluoride 92 - 95 Sulphate 96 - 98
Hardness 93 - 97 Thio SulphateS 96 - 98
Iron 96 - 98 Zinc 96 - 98
Chlorine 100 Chloramines 95

Making drinking water from salt water

We supply a range of drinking water systems which are highly quality, state of the art, reverse osmosis / ultrafiltration units that produce fresh and pure drinking water confirming to world health organization standards.